Doris Erbacher Germany — 1953
Doris Erbacher °1953
1953 Germany. Lives and works in Mannheim
Erbacher’s practice is influenced by minimalism and characterised by aesthetic simplicity and refinement. Working in series, she is interested in repetitive processes and their visual potential. She uses an abstract language to question the boundaries between physical reality and illusion, maintaining a balance between control and spontaneity in her working process. Through a wide range of media, she explores ideas of relativity and human communication, inviting the viewer to enter into a dialogue with the carefully manipulated surface of the materials she uses.
21.04.23 Vernissage ‘Between the red lines’ – A thought-provoking vernissage is held in our pop-up space to officially open Yes but no. This exhibition showcases paintings from both local talent as well as internationally acclaimed artists and spans across multiple art movements and periods. Please feel welcome to join and have a chat (or not) about the collection.